

Genk, België
PCp Architects / IN-LIJN Interieur Architectuur
Arne Jennard

Tectum Group is an expert in roofs, facades, and balustrades. Their brand new HQ in Genk, Belgium, is equipped with kreon ceiling solutions, which offers all building service systems with a modern look.
kreon worked together with PCp Architects and INLIJN Interieur Architectuur to realise an office that not only looks good, but also is a good working environment for the employees. Using a cooling ceiling is an eco- and budget friendly solution, and it’s still being mindful of the look: and that’s what we did.
We equipped the entire building with cooling ceiling that’s integrated into the metal ceiling system. Not visible, but definitely sensible.
Another important issue to create good working conditions, is integrating proper lighting. As designer of lighting, we’re the experts in this field. Natural light is important, but so is qualitative lighting to support it.
We created a custom light plan, paying extra attention to the creation of a healthy working environment.




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