The name alone — cloud — evokes the poetic nature of these creations, which, according to their maker, should convey ‘the feeling of freedom and eccentricity’. The fixtures are available in various sizes and models. Each fixture has a voluminous yet delicate paper-like shade, in the centre of which is the invisible light source. With its irregular sculptural shape, marked by countless folds, crimps, bulges and dents, it suggests a fleecy belux cloud and then again a large, soft snowball. Looked at more closely, the lampshade consists of several interlinked cup-like elements. Each fit has an individual note in spite of all fixtures having the same structure and the same predetermined shape. The idea is that the fold structure of the shade, which is shaped more or less by accident during production, can be changed by bulging it out or pressing it in. In doing so, Gehry makes users into co-designers who can repeatedly change the shape of the fixture if they so wish.